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This coaching school emerged from unifying the respective research of the founders, Cristallin Toullec and Norma Houberdon during 6 years. It was created on October 4, 2019 with the start of the first face-to-face training in Montreal, Qc, Canada.

This school specializes in:

1-relationship building work whether in pairs, in small groups or in large groups

2-self-knowledge and spiritual development

3-holistic health

4-community building


The Mirroring of the Soul appeared during the development of the IRESOI Institute as the central method for relationship building. The founders having lived many years in the community context, they felt all the necessity and value of it to overcome the psychological differences of individuals and create a unifying framework allowing the benevolent dialogue, mandatory for any achievement.


Brief biography of Norma Houberdon

I have always been intrigued by the role of women in society and therefore indirectly by their relationship with men.

This led me to engage in a serious process of spiritual research to find answers to these questions that affect human existence. I felt compelled to experience what I was discovering about myself and my relationship with others through living in community. For 8 years, I lived in a community in south of France.

In 1994, I got involved in a holistic education project, IDEAL Society, in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia, founded by a visionary, Dr. in Philosophy, Natacha Kolesar. I was able to learn with her, in the simple moments of daily life, how to create a relational and spiritual atmosphere conducive to the development of consciousness. It is in this context that I began my research collaboration with Cristallin Toullec.


Some time later, we entered into a deep reflection on the painful experience of the loss of the founder in the community and how to react in the most constructive way possible to preserve the spiritual heritage that she gave. The IRESOI Institute has become a way to transmit to others this heritage that I received and to continue to explore these subtle realities of the human being in research spaces with other passionate researchers.

Brief biography of Cristallin Toullec

I started my personal journey in spiritual research since my adolescence. Then, I felt the call for therapeutic work and I became an osteopath.


During my training, I discovered psychosomatics with the work of Dr Hamer and Claude Sabbah. This discovery changed my vision of care and therapeutic support. I then did a NLP coaching training and I was able to support individuals and organizations.

Then I went to live in a spiritual community for 10 years. There, I was able to learn to put into practice what I had acquired and to measure the real level of integration that I had of all these spiritual principles which animated me. I came into contact with my dreams, with my aspirations but also with my limits, with my illusions, with my shadow.


In this context of intense learning, the need to create spaces for team research was confirmed, in order to overcome everyday human tensions, exacerbated by this collective and spiritual way of life. From these exchanges, these reflections emerged concepts and psychological tools that I wish to share within the framework of this institute and develop research spaces in order to offer each other these precious pearls, these unique quintessences, fruits of our inner transformations, our awareness, sacred victories of our souls.

Historique: À propos de moi

Formulaire d'abonnement

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