Contes de Cristal
This book is the compilation of two Amerindian stories and an African story:
-Mourakowa, the little Indian who transformed his fear
-Silent, the one who knew how to listen
-Oukoulomé, Ankhamila and the spirit of the Bees
The first story is a tribute to the value of writing and to the journey that it represented for me to trust myself and to dare to use this medium of expression. The second is in homage to this precious rocky land of British Columbia thanks to which this process of interior transformation was possible. The third is an encouragement and support for apitherapy and my friends Yann Loranger and Adrien Thibault, who courageously launched the Canadian apitherapy association and who today each in their own way, are working to develop a vision of holistic health deeply linked to nature and the living.
To discover them and find out more about their activities:
Yann Loranger, Beekeeper, Apitherapist and Astrologer
Youtube channel: What are the stars talking about
Adrien Thibault, Artist, Apitherapist, Doctor of Chinese Medicine,